Solo Exhibition: Ntlhantle: In the Direction of Beauty (2018)

 Ntlhantle: In the Direction of Beauty 

February 2018

Moon Rising over Mogonye at Dusk (2017)
Soot Ink on Cotton Paper, 310x410mm

Ntlhantle I (2017)
Soot Ink on Cotton Paper, 310x410mm

Ntlhantle: In the Direction of Beauty is a series of soot ink landscape paintings which continues my work with ‘sense of place’.  The paintings originate from visits to South Eastern Botswana which were guided by two locally trained African medicine doctors, Colin and Niall Campbell, in the winter and spring of 2017. My encounters were infused by traditional stories and nostalgic memories shared by my guides about each place and their sadness around the rapidly disappearing natural and cultural heritage of Botswana. 

Kolobeng I (2017)
Soot Ink on Cotton Paper, 310x410mm

And so we communed with the sacred hill at Manyelanung, the rainmaking Modipe Hill and the birthplace of humans at Matsieng. We watched the moon rise as the setting sun stretched our shadows at Mogonye. We visited FikengKolobeng and we encountered the beautiful place of Ntlhantle during an unfolding dusk. 

Mogonye I (2017)
Soot Ink on Cotton Paper, 310x410mm

Ntlhantle: In the Direction of Beauty is a tribute to these special places of Botswana. 

Matsieng (2017)

Modipe Hill (2017)

Mogonye (2017)


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